Our way of giving back to our Community

Real Estate Sleepout | Industry Insider

Real Estate Sleep Out

Here at Industry Insider, we try our best to recognise the privileges and challenges that each of us been dealt in our lives.

As people who are accustomed to the peaks and troughs of life, we know all too well that sometimes individuals need a helping hand to achieve their potential.

Indeed this is a core tenant of our organisation.

This is never truer than in our youth.

We have been offered the opportunity to be one of those helping hands but in order to affect change, we need the support of many.

In the work that we do here at industry Insider, we believe that we are privileged to be able to help many people achieve the goals that they have worked so hard for, however, there are many people who, because of their circumstances, are in need of help.

With over 44,000 Australian Youths living out on the street on any given night of the year, we feel that once again it is our privilege to be in a position to help.

This July the entire Industry Insider Team, plus a few valued supporters, have committed to Sleeping Rough as participants in the Real Estate Sleep Out.
This event is run by the Youth Off the Streets Charity and raises money for their various programs, which include, crisis and short-term accommodation all the way to long-term residential care, counselling, rehabilitation and secondary education.

We know that everyone gives back to their communities differently, however, we ask that you support us in this endeavour.

After all, many hands make light work.

If you would like to donate please click HERE to go to our donation page, please remember that every little bit makes a difference.

Have a nice weekend!

Industry Insider Property
Level 3, 489 Toorak Road, Toorak 3142
+61 8374 7652
+61 402 346 810

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